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Educate, Enrich and Empower underprivileged girls in the Philippines

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Financial Date

Doesn't sound romantic? does it? But had to be done.  I have committed to my husband to have this date at least once a month.  Let's just say, I forgot when the last time we had one.  It is long OVERDUE! that's for sure. 

When my husband and I decided to open the school in 2010, we knew what we were getting into.  It was our savings that we put into this project.  I don't have any regrets to this day as I have received triple the blessings since then.  Do I long for a new fall bag ? yes, new boots yes, yes. But the question is do I need them? The answer is always NO. 

I don't deprive myself of shopping for a few things here and there, just be smart about it.  No need to "keep up with the Kardashians" all the time. Retail Therapy is always good but it is band aid solution for me as it doesn't solve anything. We just came back from a budget vacation for a week and we had a blast!!

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but do we really need all the stuff we have today?? Do we really need to spend $6.8 Billion on Halloween?  Maybe I am in a different place in my life today, trust me I was the impulsive shopaholic few years back ( no confessions here, I don't think 5 Hail Marys , 5 Our fathers will cut it ).

2 sweet little girls celebrating their birthdays
Chrisdel and Faith
They are the reasons why the Financial Date needs to happen.  Chrisdel and Faith celebrating their birthdays , YAY! yes, this is better feeling  than getting brand new boots or bag.

Thank you for stopping by!


F.L.A.G Team




Unknown said...

This is so true... We should all be as willing to spend our money helping people rather than getting all the new clothes and gadgets!!

Rachel Joy said...

I much rather spend money on life experiences anyways rather that materialistic things...the memories of those experiences last much longer and they will never break, tear, get lost or worn out...

F.L.A.G - Fundamental Learning Academy for Girls said...

@Camille thanks for your thoughts and follow.

@Rachel Joy - AMEN sistah!

susan jakovina said...

Amen girl.
I am so learning this daily.