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Educate, Enrich and Empower underprivileged girls in the Philippines

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why invest in women?

Some people ask why invest on women? or the girls from the Philippines.  I don't like to call it as a 'investment' - we are not making money from these girls and their mothers.  We are investing in their future so we can stop the cycle of poverty, ignorance and lack of education.  Do we care? Or should we continue to live in a bubble?

Infographic from :   USAID www.usaid.gov

99% - of maternal deaths each year occur  in developing countries. ( Philippines is in this category)

1- 5 girls in developing countries who enroll in primary school never finish. I don't think these girls asked to be born in this country. Imagine YOU being in this situation??

How  can I not give them a chance? They deserve a chance , it was not their fault.

Jessel is turning 13 this year, we have given her a chance not to be part of that 7 ..
1 in 7 girls will marry befory they are 15 in developing countries.  You are lucky it's not your niece, daughter, friend.. but what about how her? Does she deserve that? 
Girls who stay in school for seven years or more years, marry four years  later and have two fewer children.

One day, they will become somebody.. I just wish I can do more .

It brings us great joy knowing we can make a difference even with just these 23 girls. I hope you can share the blessings you have to make a difference in someone's life.

Thank you for stopping by,


On behalf of the F.L.A.G team

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Small Kucing said...

you are doing a good job.

Spanish Pinay said...

Yes, it is an investment but not for money nor anything material... it's an investment for giving others a chance for a better future and that is absolutely wonderful and noble. I do wish there will be more people like you. I know how it feels to be helped and saved from a downward future and I can never, never be grateful enough for the people who has helped me before the way you are helping these girls now. I wish one day, I can do even a small part of what you do so I can pay forward (even in a smallest way) what I have received back when I was in high school.

You and your team are always in my prayers - that God will continue to bless all of you and be able to help more girls who are daughters of poverty and hard life.

Spanish Pinay

ninalazina said...

So long women have fought for our rights. We still need to fight and help our girls to have a good, secure and independent life. Education is the key to success, freedom and a free thinking mind. Great job you are doing.

susan jakovina said...

They're so sweet Mon.
Love that last pic.

May said...

Nina have said it all. Education is the key in our todays world.
Thanks for the visit and have a great week :-)