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Educate, Enrich and Empower underprivileged girls in the Philippines

Sunday, May 8, 2011

One mom's gift to another..

Happy Mother's day to all the F.L.A.G moms back home in the Philippines! Perhaps one day you will have the chance to read this. We are so lucky to have met all of you and your daughters. My husband and I will do the best we can to continue the dreams you have for them.  Every mother wants their children to have a better life than their own. With your continuing prayers and support, your daughters will have the chance to be educated and have a better life.  Through education, the cycle of poverty will end and they will be the best they can be. For as long as you have faith and you believe in the cause, F.L.A.G will succeed.

From one mother to another, Happy Mother's day from Monica, Jon, Patrick and Jordan

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again,
The F.L.A.G team


Gina Jacobs Thomas said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, too!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful idea! I'm coming to you from the Voice Boks Blog Hop and I hope you will stop by my blog too. I LOVE your idea! And I love even more that you have been able to put it into again. BIG KUDOS!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful vocation -- helping kids get the education they need! I'm following too -- from vB! xoxo Samantha