When you pray to God every day to protect your family.
You leave it with Him to do just that.
Somehow, evil and wickedness will find its way to bring darkness.
It happened. Evil came, as did darkness.
One of our girl’s lost her innocence. She is only 9 years old.
to protect her identity
She was offered $2.00 by her predator to keep quiet.
To not say a word. To tell no one.
Thankfully, she didn’t listen. She came forward and shared this awful
story with her mother. And in that spirit, today, I share this awful story with
all of you.
Because we won’t accept hush money either. And this story needs to be
FACT. For every 3 Filipino children,
one child will experience abuse.
Not us. It will never happen to one of our girls.
But it did.
All of us are deeply affected and disturbed by what happened.
As are all of the staff and families of F.L.A.G.
Personally, I feel helpless. angry. confused. saddened. How could
this have happened?
Please help us heal.
Pray for her and her family.
And if you feel the need to
help further, donate $2.00 to F.L.A.G.
all monies
collected will go directly to her family.
The $2.00 in offered hush money need not be remembered as that.
Please know, there is no obligation whatsoever but for those who have
asked, your small change CAN make a difference.
"Be the CHANGE you want to see in the world"
- Mahatma Gandhi
i love your thoughts and comments, to protect her and her family, please refrain
from using any names. Thank you!
With love and blessings,
Thank you Susan for helping me write this story.